Thursday, July 20, 2006

Success Defined

I promised to come u with definitions of terms that we use casually, which however, determine our perception of life. Today, I want to write about success.

You must have heard that success has different meanings to different people. To the extent to which this statement relates to our uniqueness as individuals, I concur. But you know as well as I do that our differences as mankind is not as much as our similarities: we share common nature, related dispositions, similar attitudes and needs. I would like to base my definition on what we have in common.

My definition of success is UNCEASING FRUITFULNESS.

When God made man, he declared the Mission of Man. He said: “Be Fruitful, Multiply and have Dominion over the earth”. A successful man is the one who has been able to execute this mandate to the letter. To exercise dominion over the works of God’s hand’s requires you to multiply…and to multiply require you to be unceasingly fruitful in every good work—spiritually, economically, socially and physically.


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