Monday, May 22, 2006

Campaign for a Change in our National Culture

I believe we have been limited, not by who we are, but who we THINK we are not. Our problem in Nigeria is not of abilities--potentials abound--but that of mentalities. I think it was Albert Eistein that said you cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking you were when you created them. The greatest need in Nigeria is CHANGED MINDS. We need minds that will challenge our CULTURE of mediocrity and inferiority. Minds that know that the measure of a fulfilled life is its impact on other lives. I don't think a life is important apart from its impact on other lives.

The purpose of government is to influence the culture--defined as the total way of life of a group of people--of a nation. This definition, if you accept it, puts government on the shoulder of everyone one of us. We are government, only that we have not realised it yet. One attribute of government is that it has a domain of influence. I charge Nigerians/ Africans need to realise their domain of influence and become transformation agents. Let's change the minds in our office cubicles, in our apartments, in our streets, in our neighbourhood, on our jobs... So we don't have to wait for government to have good roads or to stop corruption. Goverment is in within us...the kingdom of God is within us.

We have a great future, Nigeria has a great future, Africa has a great future; but we can't get there without a SOUND mind!


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